YouMeWho is the 1 stop shop to search, create, and share lists of your obsessions with just a few clicks. What used to take 30-60 minutes now takes 30-60 seconds!
Import your own data, categorize them, and annotate with meta data to your heart's content. Then build and rebuild endless combinations of items overlayed with actions. Just like playing with legos.
Create promotion, inventory, raffle, auction, for sale, and polling lists, and let your users go to town. Engage others to share their own sublists. Every collage and list shared is free marketing for you!
We make it super easy and fast for you to create actionable lists. Here are just a few examples.
Overstock on something? Put them in an auction list for other users to bid on.
Coming soon...First come first served, going going gone! You just want to get rid of your stuff like hot potatos.
>Take a look!Want to get that 30% off but need some help reaching the purchase limit? Invite a few friends and do a group purchase! Plus it's fun shopping together.
>Take a look (beta users only)!Share your expert insight on people, places, and things, and benefit from the collective wisdom of others via our rating lists.
>Take a look (beta users only)!Our most used feature is ISO/WTT trading lists: In Search Of (ISO) that item to complete my Wonder Women collection, Willing To Trade (WTT) my one-of-a-kind Dark Knight thingy.
>Take a look!Can't decide on your logo? Or which pair of shoes to buy? Or where to go for your birthday night out? Vote!
>Take a look (beta users only)!Here are some upcoming categories. If you want to be involved in one of these or start your, contact us!
Disney makes these soft plushes that come in huge, medium, and mini sizes.
Gotta catch them all! Our users want Pokemon trading cards and figures.
One of the oldest playing cards, there are 15000 cards to date.
Bitcoin is the oldest cryptocurrency. There are now 700+ types of coins and hundreds cryptocurrency startups.
Funkopop action figures are collectable and playable!
Something everyone has in common is books. For the obsessives, this also includes collectible books!
If you have any feedback, suggestions, and especially complaints,
we would love to hear from you!
Palo Alto, CA 94303